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Media Pvt.Ltd

  • Category Website
  • Client Brandhop Media Pvt.Ltd
  • Language Core PHP
  • LinkBrandhop Media
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BrandHop Media Portfolio: My Journey in Making a Website

Dive into the heart of my solo web development journey as I unveil my portfolio website. Each page is a testament to countless hours of dedication and passion poured into crafting a digital space that reflects my skills and creativity. From conceptualization to coding and design, every element has been meticulously crafted by me alone. Join me on this adventure as we explore the projects that define my journey as a web developer, showcasing my ability to turn ideas into captivating online experiences.

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Crafting Excellence: The Making of My Portfolio Website

Embark on a behind-the-scenes journey as I unveil the development process of my portfolio website. Armed with HTML, CSS, and jQuery on the frontend, and PHP on the backend, I meticulously pieced together each component, weaving together design and functionality seamlessly. From wireframing and prototyping to coding and testing, every step was a testament to my dedication to excellence. Witness the synergy of frontend elegance and backend robustness as I bring my vision to life, one line of code at a time.

Font Style
  • regular Poppins sans-serif
  • Medium Poppins sans-serif
  • SemiBold Fjalla One sans-serif
  • Blod Fjalla One sans-serif
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